
如果能許一個願 (ru guo neng xu yi ge yuan) 

作曲:湯 尼

作詞:孫 儀

如果能許一個願 我願重回故園

(ru guo neng xu yi ge yuan, wo yuan chong hui gu yuan)

If a wish could be made, I would like to return to the old garden, 

踏進那小小庭院 重見我兒時遊伴

(ta jin na xiao xiao ting yuan, chong jian wo er shi you ban)

Stepping into that little courtyard, reacquainting with my childhood playmates.

如果能許一個願 我願找回童年

(ru guo neng xu yi ge yuan wo yuan zhao hui tong nian)

If I could make a wish, I would like to rediscover my childhood,

在母親懷中依偎 聽她講故事一篇

(zai mu qing huai zhong yi wei, ting ta jiang gu shi yi pian)

Nesting in mommy's embrace, listening to one of her stories.

似水的年華 換來一聲輕歎

(si shui de nian hua huan, lai yi sheng qing tan)

Time and youth, like water, have been replaced by a soft sigh. 

綠草 田間 秋千 已不在身邊

(lu zao tian jian qiu qian, yi bu zai shen bian)

The green field, the aerable land, the swings, are no longer by my side. 

如果能許一個願 我要時光回轉

(ru guo neng xu yi ge yuan, wo yao shi guang hui zhuan)

If a wish could be made, I would like to turn back the time

再重溫舊日的夢 從絢麗回到平凡

(zai chong wen jiu ri de meng, cong xuan li hui dao ping fan)

To relive yesterday's dreams, from colorful to ordinary.

东方之珠 邓丽君


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